Narengal Kagon

A Xaela of the Kagon tribe. Walking beneath foreign skies in search of knowledge. Ever followed by her glowing companion, an aetherical butterfly, by all appearances."I wish only to learn and protect what is dear to me, is there truly such evil in this desire?"

About Nare

  • Birthplace: The Nhaama

  • Age: 25-27 Years (She's not sure)

  • Height: 4 Fulms 8 Ilms

  • Alignment: Social Evil or Rebel Moral

  • Religion: Nhaamic Zealot

  • Gender: Woman

  • Job: Udgan (Shaman)

  • Home: A cave in the Xelphatol mountain range


  • Nare does have a thick Xaelan accent, Eorzean Common is not her first language.

  • Nare's tail is large enough to drag on the ground when she is not actively lifting it.

  • She does have black scales and scleras.

  • A second pair of burgeoning horns on her forehead peek out from her hair

  • On the shorter side, but carries a healthy weight to her frame.

RP Hooks

  • Childhood: Narengal was born and raised in the Nhaama. The desert west of the Azim Steppe. She spent the first eighteen seasons of her life there before venturing into the world at large.

  • Thaumaturge: She practices magick that is distantly comparable to Eorzean thaumaturgy, but not quite, regularly referring to her practice as black shamanism from her home, and herself as an Udgan. Though something about her interactions with the world suggests there is more she can do than what she readily offers.

  • Appearance: Whenever Narengal is out in the day, she is completely covered in black robes, save for her onyx tail and horns. No matter the temperature.

  • Whereabouts: Narengal subscribes to a nomadic lifestyle, these days. Going wherever she feels her efforts are needed across the East and Eorzea. Always walking as if she's never alone. She has various caves with supply caches on her paths, most commonly seen in their vicinity.

OOC Information

Types of RP I'm okay with for this character:
